SafeDon™ Dispenser system

Inadequate hand hygiene can lead to contamination of disposable medical gloves in glove boxes. The packaging system of the SafeDon™ dispenser system allows the gloves to be removed individually thanks to a special design in which the opening of the glove box faces downwards and the gloves are pulled out of the box by the cuff.

Increased hygiene

The individual removal of gloves with the SafeDon dispenser system, where only the cuffs are touched and uncontrolled falling out of the gloves is avoided, guarantees a demonstrable reduction in bacterial contamination of 46.7% at the box opening and 88.9% fewer bacteria on the gloves compared to conventional glove boxes, as well as up to 96% less cross-contamination.

Instructions Safedon dispenser system

Consumption and cost savings

The SafeDon concept also enables potential savings of up to 40% as well as numerous environmental benefits thanks to less frequent transportation, lower storage capacities and less packaging waste.

Consumption and cost analysis

Available gloves with the SafeDon™ dispenser system:

Wall mounts for the innovative SafeDon™ dispenser system: